On this page, you will find our upcoming events, a list of recent events and some pictures of them!
Feel free to contact us for any events-related inquiries / promotions / collaborations!
The month of November
Check our Instagram for details on these upcoming events
BSA Career Fair (March 15th, 2023)​
BSA Movie Night (March 23rd, HNSC124A)​
The BSA will be hosting a movie night for students to come and relax and decompress before finals approach! Snacks will be provided, along with an opportunity to win some prizes! Check out our instagram to VOTE on a movie!
BSA Undergraduate Research Symposium (March 29th, SA124A)​
Do you have research that you want to show off? Come share your findings! This is an incredible opportunity for you to practice presenting your research and to learn about your fellow students' research!
Dr. Chua's What to do with your Biosci Degree Event​
Couldn't make Dr. Chua's event? No worries! You can access the slides he used for his presentation HERE or using the button below.
Past Events
Campfire Meet & Greet at Bowness Park! | Research Night |
Murder Mystery Event! | "Find the Cure to Covid" Escape Room |
Mental Health Awareness Month | BSA Research Seminar |